Accu-Chek Advantage Instructions
Things You'll Need
- Accu-Chek Advantage meter
- Lancing device
- Test strips
Wash the hand from which you plan to extract the blood. Massage your finger to enable blood to flow smoothly. Place the lancet against your finger, and press the button to make a small hole in your fingertip.
Remove a test strip from the vial container, and squeeze a drop of blood from your finger. Place the test strip end into the blood so that it absorbs into the strip.
Place the blood end of the test strip into the Accu-Chek meter. The machine will turn on automatically. The display should begin a countdown from five down to one, then display the blood sugar number.
Write down the three-digit number that is displayed on the meter into the small book that should have come with the meter. This will help you keep track of your progress on a daily basis until you can confer with your doctor.