Family Substance Abuse Groups
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a group of men and women that have the desire to stop drinking and accomplish the feat through a 12-step program. The group does not require any membership dues or qualifications, except for the want to stop drinking. AA funds come from their own contributions, and the organization is not affiliated with any political group, organization, institution, sect or denomination. They also avoid any causes or controversy, focusing on the goal of sobriety.
Al-anon and Alateen are groups designed specifically for families and friends of alcoholics to learn about the struggles that face their loved ones. Both groups are completely free from any membership fees or dues and open to everyone who has personal experience with an addict.
Narcotics Anonymous
The primary group for individuals with drug addiction is Narcotics Anonymous (NA). It is in the same format as AA and follows the 12-step program. They are also unaffiliated with anyone and do not charge any membership dues or fees, making the program accessible to anyone with a desire to stop drug use.
Nar-Anon is a group that uses the 12-step program to help friends and family of drug addicts cope with the effects of addiction on them, as well as their loved ones. The only requirement for Nar-Anon is to have experience with a person who has problems with drug addiction. They follow the same philosophy of being free to everyone and not having affiliation with any group.
Cocaine Anonymous
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) is a group following the model of AA and NA, but specifically designed for those with an addiction to cocaine or crack. The individualized designation allows members to relate more closely with each other with behaviors and recovery. Their mission is to aid individuals in sobriety from the effects of crack and/or cocaine.