Bottled Water Alternatives for Schools

According to the research by Earth Policy Institute, in 2004, consumption of bottled water around the world had reached 41 billion gallons with the United States leading as bottled water consumers. Despite high levels of purity, bottled water is disadvantageous because it's usually tasteless due to the reduction of its mineral content. Getting rid of bottle waste is also hard since it comes in non-biodegradable plastics. To conserve the environment and manage finances, seek alternatives for bottled water.
  1. Tap Water

    • For schools, tap water is very effective. You can choose where to locate the taps for easy access by both teachers and students. The municipal supplier maintains purity levels of the water. Compared to bottled water, tap water is cheaper. For tap water, you only have to pay water bills, whereas for bottled water, purchasing and getting rid of the bottles is expensive.

    Refillable Bottles

    • Water bottles are usually designed for you to use once and dispose of them. However, refillable bottles are also available and you can use these bottles for as long as you wish. Refillable bottles are cost effective since you can use them for a long time. Since in schools both time and organization are important, refillable bottles reduce movement of staff and students and ease congestion at taps. Refillable bottles require high maintenance to keep them clean, however.

    Water Filters

    • Water filters are effective in providing purified water. Water filters are a wise alternative because the original taste of water is not affected regardless of the purification process. Well maintained water filters are a good investment because they last.

    Water Coolers

    • Using water coolers is another alternative for schools. Water coolers readily provide chilled water. The water is healthy since it contains minerals that are useful to the body's function.

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