About Plasma Donation Centers in Reading, PA
To donate plasma at a center in Reading, you first must fill out some forms and answer some questions about your medical health, trips abroad and immunizations. You will also get your finger pricked and a small sample of your blood will be taken and centrifuged to make sure you have the necessary plasma to donate that day.
Once you have passed the pre-screening, you will be taken to a seat and hooked up to a donation machine. A 16-gauge needle will be put into your arm, and blood will be taken from a vein. The plasma in that blood will then be separated from the red blood cells, and the red blood cells will be returned to your bloodstream along with saline fluid.
The plasma donation process takes roughly an hour. There may be variations, depending on the person and the efficiency of the hookup, but generally speaking a plasma donation that goes smoothly will only take you an hour.
Some centers in Reading, such as Biomat USA. will pay you for your donation. As of 2011, Biomat's going rate is $20 per donation, according to Cash for Donating. Other centers, such as blood banks, which prefer whole blood to plasma donations, may not offer you anything other than the feeling your plasma could save someone's life. Plasma donation centers in Reading are listed in the References section.