Ideas for a Preschool Handwashing Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
By creating a colorful hand-washing bulletin board for preschoolers, adults can be sure to catch the children's attention. It's essential to use bright colors and create detailed pictures that are easy to understand. Obviously, preschoolers can't read, so this is why it's vital to have pictures instead of wording.
Many classrooms not only have bathrooms, but sinks located directly in the teaching room. Preschool hand-washing bulletin boards should be placed anywhere there is a sink. One can be placed outside and inside the bathroom, as well as on a classroom wall.
It's also helpful to talk about germs and discuss with children how even though they are invisible to the naked eye, they are still there. Displaying germ photos on the board to show children what they look like under a microscope can be a teaching tool, as well as a way of showing young ones why it's so important to wash their hands.
In order to teach children to wash their hands, adults should make it a ritual to go over the hand-washing bulletin board. This can be done after going for a bathroom break, playing outside and after participating in a messy craft activity. By going over the instructions regularly, children will soon start washing their hands on their own, without being reminded.