How to Clean Elementary School Desks
Things You'll Need
- Plastic bucket
- Water
- Ammonia
- Rubbing alcohol
- Face mask
- Rubber gloves
- Sponge
- Dry cloths
Clear all of the contents from on top , within and beneath the desk. Throw away garbage and scrape off any gum, tape, paste, paint or glue that remains. Set the contents aside to a safe part of the classroom where they will not come into contact with the cleaning materials.
Use the plastic bucket for mixing water, rubbing alcohol and ammonia. Measure out the portions so that you have one cup of water, one cup of rubbing alcohol and one tablespoon of ammonia. Make sure to protect your hands with rubber gloves while mixing the agents together. Consider wearing a face mask to avoid inhaling the fumes in areas that are not well ventilated.
Bring the bucket and the rest of your supplies next to the desk to be cleaned. Dip the sponge into the solution and squeeze out excess liquid to avoid drips and spills. Apply the sponge to the desktop and proceed to scrub the surface. Work your way down the desk to the legs, as well as any shelves and compartments that are attached.
Wring the sponge out into the solution as often as you need. Mix up more liquid if you start to run low on the solution.
Use the dry cloth for drying and shining the desk once you are finished washing it with the ammonia solution. Wait until the desks are dry before you put all of the contents back into them.