How to Prevent Head Lice in the Classroom
Vacuum or steam-clean carpets and sleeping mats regularly. Lice can survive off the human body for 24 to 36 hours, so reduce the chance of a spreading infestation by keeping shared areas clean.
Offer children separate storage cubicles for their belongings. Keep bags, coats, hats and other personal items stowed in divided areas to avoid contamination. Label each cubicle with the child's name and teach the kids to keep their items separate from others.
Teach children not to share brushes, combs, hats, headbands, scarves, barrettes, headphones or other personal items.
Watch children for early signs of infestation. Children will be scratching frequently and may complain of itchiness. Check the child's head for lice, paying special attention to her neck and ear area. You will be able to see the small, flightless insects with the naked eye.
Send infected children home for treatment. Exclude an infected child immediately from the classroom and notify his parents of his condition. Check all the other children in the classroom to determine if there are any other cases.
Notify parents of the lice infestation. Send a note home to parents to let them know head lice is in the classroom and remind them of preventative measures they can take to protect their children from infection. Suggest that parents check family members for the presence of head lice.