What Causes Fungus From a Tanning Bed?
Skin to Bed to Skin Contact
Someone may contract a fungus from a tanning bed if the bed was not wiped down properly after the last person used it. The fungus on the skin of the first person would transfer to the tanning bed and be picked up on the skin of the next person to use it. To avoid this make sure all tanning beds are wiped down properly with a clean towel and disinfectant before and after each use.
Tanning beds are hot; when someone is lying in a tanning bed for an extended period of time he will certainly sweat and that sweat will drip onto the bed. One theory about fungus from tanning beds is that it's a type of yeast infection that develops on the skin. If you have symptoms of a skin yeast infection from a fungus called Tinea Versicolor, avoid tanning until the infection has been properly treated by a physician.
Moisture and Humidity
Fungus, viruses and bacteria need warm, humid areas to thrive. Tanning beds are not only hot and moist, they are further heated and moistened after each use. Keep the fan on in the tanning room to cut down on some of the accumulating moisture.
Most tanning salons give clients one or two small towels to dry themselves after tanning. If the towels were not washed and disinfected properly they can carry fungus from the last person that used it. When using a towel from the tanning salon make sure it is always clean and dry; if you are uncomfortable about using a towel from the salon, ask them to show you how they wash them or bring your own from home.