How to Remove Head Lice Immediately
Things You'll Need
- Cotton swabs
- Lice removal shampoo
- Hair tie
- Comb
- Nit comb
- Vacuum cleaner
Find a place in your home that is not carpeted, and remove any clothing or fabric that may be lying around the area. This will prevent any lice you remove from falling into the material and breeding, which may lead to future infestations.
Use the hair tie to collect all of your hair at the top of your skull, then dip the cotton swab into the lice cleaner solution, and apply it along your hair and neck lines and around your ears.
Apply the lice cleaner shampoo throughout your hair evenly. Make sure that all of your hair is covered, so that you get to all of the lice that are living on your scalp. Use the comb to evenly distribute the cleaner as well. If you have long hair, a second bottle may be required.
Massage the scalp thoroughly every 10 minutes and let the cleaner sit for 30 to 40 minutes. The time that the cleaner should be left on your scalp will vary depending on the brand, so refer to the package instructions. Lice cleaning solution chemicals can be harmful if left on for too long.
Use the nit comb and hot water to rinse the lice cleaner and lice from your hair and scalp. The nit comb will be able to catch the eggs and dead lice when combed thoroughly through the hair.
Wash bed fabrics, clothing, towels or anything else that has come into contact with the infested person in very hot water, around 140 degrees. Hot water will kill any eggs or remaining lice.
Clean your home with the vacuum cleaner to remove any traces of lice and eggs. Vacuum your carpets, furniture and the seats in your car. Discard the vacuum bags.