How to Screen for Head Lice
Things You'll Need
- Light
- Fine tooth comb
- Tongue depressor
- Magnifying glass
- Brush
Screen for lice using a bright light such as sunshine, as indicated by the Dr. Greene website. Using inadequate light can make it difficult to spot moving lice.
Wet and separate your hair into sections. Use a tongue depressor to hold down a section of hair while you run a fine tooth comb gently down the middle of your scalp. Inspect for moving lice as you scan your entire scalp.
Spot nits attached within 1/4 inch of hair shafts. Use a magnifying glass to find tiny specs dotted throughout your scalp.
Brush your hair. This can differentiate between hair debris and living lice. Hair debris such as dandruff can be easily removed with your fingers, while lice move quickly and nits can't be removed with your fingers.
Look for red bumps or sores on your scalp. The bumps and sores are the result of lice biting your scalp.
Visit your physician to verify a lice infestation. A black light will be used to expose live nits, which will glow.