How to Disinfect Tick Bites
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Water
- Cotton ball
- Rubbing alcohol
- Antiseptic
- Hydrocortisone cream
- Antibiotics
Cleanse the bite. Wash the affected bite area with antibacterial soap and water. Allow the area to dry.
Thoroughly treat the bite with rubbing alcohol. Dip a cotton ball into rubbing alcohol. Disinfect the bite with the alcohol to prevent infection. Coat the wound and the skin around the wound.
Apply an antiseptic over the bite. Use a hydrocortisone cream to help alleviate itching and swelling.
Call your doctor when necessary. Watch the bite area for signs of infection. Infection can include a weeping wound, tender skin, or skin that feels hot to the touch. If you develop an infection within a few days of being bitten, notify your physician immediately.