How to Donate Plasma in Flint, Michigan
Verify your eligibility to donate plasma in regards to age, weight and citizenship. Individuals may not be eligible to donate because of pregnancy, illnesses including heart disease and diabetes, low protein, high fatty plasma, high blood pressure and previous deferrals. Ineligible people also include those who have donated whole blood within the last eight weeks and those who have had tattoos or piercings within the last 12 months.
Visit the Talecris location in Flint, Michigan, to donate plasma at 4027 N. Jennings Rd.
Undergo a physical exam to ensure you are healthy enough to donate plasma. Upon completion of the exam, you will be prepped for donation. The process takes roughly one to two hours and begins with prepping your arm. This means a good vein is located and the area is cleaned. A needle will be inserted and you will be connected to a machine to remove the plasma from your blood.