Why Do Hospitals Use Metal Outlet Plates?

Hospitals are required to maintain a clean, safe and healthy environment for patients and their staff. Stainless steel metal outlet plates are easy to clean with strong medical-grade chemicals, they are long-lasting, won't corrode over time and are fire-proof.
  1. Stainless Steel Is Easy to Clean

    • In hospital areas such as the operating room, stainless steel is the metal of choice for tables, basin stands, outlet plates and instruments. Cleanup is quick and easy to protect the staff and patients from contact contamination.

    Prevent Bacteria, Viruses and Fungi Growth

    • Due to the nonporous surface, stainless steel outlets don't absorb or allow the growth of dangerous contaminants. Fungus, bacteria and viruses won't find a foothold to survive on the surface of this polished metal in the hospital environment.

    Stainless Steel Outlets Are Durable

    • Unlike plastic or ceramic outlet plates that can crack or break from heavy use, stainless steel is tough. Stainless steel won't yellow or warp, and the metal will take a beating from constant use in a hospital.

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