Recommended Vendors for a Women's Health Fair
Free screenings bring many people to health fairs. Area hospitals and clinics can test blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and offer vision and hearing tests. Invite local retailers to provide displays of eye wear and hearing aids. Dentists can give free dental checkups and share information about cosmetic dentistry and braces.
Women's Issues
Invite specialists to educate women about breast self-examination, mammograms, family planning, infertility treatments, menopause and osteoporosis. Non-profit organizations, such as the American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association, can speak about warning signs women need to watch for.
Maintaining a healthy weight through a balanced diet is important to women and their families. The local health food store or hospital dietitian may want to talk about vitamin supplements or demonstrate well-balanced meals that can be prepared in minutes. Weight loss organizations can steer fair attendees to area meetings for motivation and support.
Regular exercise and strength training can be effective in preventing health problems, so fairgoers will appreciate learning about programs offered by local health clubs and organizations, such as the YMCA. Suppliers of home exercise equipment will want to demonstrate treadmills, elliptical machines, weights and other body toning products.
Mental Health and Stress Reduction
According to Psychology Today, 60 to 90 percent of doctor visits involve stress-related complaints, so expect a lot of interest in this part of the fair. Plan to offer visitors free depression screenings. Area health clubs and clinics can demonstrate therapeutic massage, progressive muscle relaxation and yoga as ways to reduce stress. Money issues cause many high-stress family arguments, so financial planners and credit counselors may be a smart addition to your fair as well.
Women will appreciate learning how to keep themselves and their families safe. The local fire department should be invited to discuss fire prevention. Police departments are happy to offer tips on improving home security and staying safe when driving alone at night. Visitors may want to know about self-defense classes in the area and businesses that sell home security systems, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms.
Home and Family
Many women work outside the home, oversee their children's school and social lives and provide help for aging parents. House cleaning services can be just what over-taxed women need. Information about local child care or elder care services might let them take a needed break. Senior attendees will want to learn about senior apartment and retirement home availability. Women of all ages need to find out how to prepare a living will. AARP can share information on a variety of topics, and non-profit agencies that work with the aging can discuss elder abuse and how to report it.
Beauty and Fashion
Invite local hair salons to talk about hair care, nail care and makeup. If they are willing to do free cut and style demonstrations, hold a draw to select fair attendees to serve as models. Contact local dress shops and ask if they would like to collaborate on a fashion show to end the fair.