The Effects of a Stun Gun on Humans
Stun guns are self-defense weapons which use electricity to incapacitate an opponent or would-be assailant.-
Stun guns are designed to deliver several thousand volts of electricity to a target. Some guns can deliver up to 20,000 volts to a person when hit with the gun. Application is through direct contact with the skin or assailant's clothes.
Immediately after contact, the muscles of the human are disabled as the nervous system has been scrambled from the electrical shock. Furthermore, the muscles are temporarily drained of all sources of energy.
There have not been any deaths reported where the gun itself was the direct cause of death. However, you should make sure that the individual stunned is lying in a safe place and is breathing. Normal function should return to the individual within a few minutes, and you should inform the authorities while the person is incapacitated.