What Is an Adult Physical Assessment?
Adult Physical Assessment Details
Adult physical assessments may comprise simple tests such as blood pressure or heart rate, or they may look into deeper health concerns. During such an exam, a health professional may evaluate a patient for dementia, Parkinson's, anemia, potential lasting effects of drugs or the status of long-standing conditions such as asthma.
Parts of an Assessment
An adult physical assessment is usually broken down into several different segments. These segments often refer to the parts of the body, or the systems, being evaluated. For example, there may be a neurological assessment, a vital signs assessment, an abdominal assessment or a cardiac and respiratory assessment.
Adult Physical Assessment Training
There are special courses that nurses may take to learn how to accurately perform an adult physical assessment. These courses will help nurses solidify their knowledge of human anatomy and physiology as well as physical examination techniques to check the functioning of the heart, ear, nose and throat, abdomen, and the nerves, bones and muscles.