What Is the Purpose of Rehabilitation Centers?
Rehabilitation centers do not attempt to undue individuals' illnesses or sorrows, but rather work to keep people focused on the future and overcoming current obstacles of physical, psychological or emotional capacity. Rehabilitation centers are goals-based, and help individuals develop personalized objectives that they wish to attain.
Rehabilitation centers revolve around a structured program that is unique to the type of issue being rehabilitated. For instance, according to the Department of Health and Human Services, cardiac rehabilitation centers are medically supervised programs that help individuals who suffered from heart attacks learn life skills that will help them recover and prevent future cardiac problems. Drug rehab centers, on the other hand, offer individuals the assistance they need for overcoming addictions.
The primary goal of rehabilitation centers is to support people until they have gotten to a place where they can safely and comfortably return to the community and their homes. Individuals who go through rehab programs regain they skills they need to function on their own.