Is Fiberglass Harmful to Humans?
The correlation between asbestos and lung cancer, and the fact that there are some types of fiberglass contain asbestos, has concerned consumers that fiberglass could be linked to lung cancer. In 1991, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration determined that fiberglass is not cancer-causing after hundreds of scientific studies. Today, asbestos is not often in fiberglass.
While fiberglass may not be life-threatening, it can be an irritant. Fiberglass may make a person's skin turn red and itchy. Sometimes, people who are exposed to fiberglass may find that they have a hard time breathing or even seeing. Usually these side effects will stop once the person is no longer around the fiberglass.
When working with fiberglass, it's important to keep yourself protected. Respiratory equipment that will prevent the fiberglass from being inhaled but that also provides adequate ventilation is necessary.