Calgon Carbon Specs
"Much of the water used by homes, industries, and businesses must be treated before it is released back to the environment," states the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This is true of contaminated air as well.
One effective method of pollution control for air and water is by means of carbon purification. Carbon purification pollution-elimination equipment, is designed to purify drinking water and wastewater, to eliminate odors, and to eliminate or reduce air pollution.
Air Pollution - Vent Stack Odor Control
Carbon-based odor control products are installed on the end of smokestacks to eliminate pollution. Air pollution control is important for both the safety of workers on-site, as well as for the environment.
Vent Stack odor control product by Calgon Carbon Corp. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is a simple device that is installed at the end of a vent stack. It eliminates and controls emissions through carbon filtering, resulting in less pollution from smokestacks or noxious odor.
The air pressure coming up the vent, pushes the polluted air through the device. The odorous compounds are absorbed by the carbon, and clean air passes through. There are no moving parts and the system is non-corrosive. It is one effective way of controlling or eliminating air pollution.
Carbon Filtering Water Purification for Municipalities
Potable water for public usage must be free from organic pollution and safe for the public. Municipalities need to purify the drinking water which is often obtained from reservoirs, before it can be distributed.
Carbon filtering provides a way to filter water of organic and other pollutants. By installing a filtering system which uses activated carbon made from bituminous coal, pollutants are filtered from drinking water. The carbon activated system both filters and absorbs organic and metal pollutants.
Low-Air Flow Industrial Pollution Control
For applications of pollution control in industrial and municipal settings, where the rate of air-flow and pressure is low, pollution can be economically controlled and eliminated with Calgon Carbon's activated carbon filter module.
Small volume organic contaminants and odorous gas emissions from storage tank vents, reactor vents, sludge thickener tanks at waste treatment plants, sewer gas vents, chemical plant wastewater holding tanks, landfills and other applications, are filtered and absorbed.
These units come in 55 gallon drums and contains 180 pounds of carbon, with an inlet and outlet connection, and an internal distribution system, which distributes the polluted air throughout the activated-carbon system. Air pollution and odor is reduced or eliminated.