Propylparaben Safety
Personal-care product manufacturers use propylparabens and other parabens, such as methylparaben and butylparaben, as preservatives in makeup, shaving products, hair care products and moisturizers.
A 2004 study published in the "Journal of Applied Toxicology" found parabens in breast tumors. In theory, parabens may act similarly to estrogen, which contributes to some types of breast cancer. However, parabens create less estrogenic activity than naturally occurring estrogen.
Because propylparabens create low levels of estrogenic activity and cosmetics contain very low levels of propylparabens, cosmetics containing propylparabens and other parabens are safe for consumers, according to the FDA.
According to the Cosmetic Ingredient Review, propylparabens and other parabens are safe in cosmetics at levels up to 25 percent of the product's weight. Cosmetics usually include only 0.01 to 0.3 percent parabens.