Guidelines for Cleaning Up Raw Sewage

Cleaning indoor sewage spills carefully helps protect your family from dangerous viruses and bacteria. Clean spills as soon as possible and never allow children or pets to play in contaminated areas.
  1. Precautions

    • Wear safety goggles, rubber gloves and boots when cleaning up raw sewage. Make sure your fingernails are short and use a short soapy brush to clean underneath them after having contact with sewage.

    Remove Contaminated Items

    • Discard items that cannot be washed or dry-cleaned, such as mattresses, drywall, carpeting or upholstered furniture. In addition, discard all open and unopened food except for undamaged canned goods that might be contaminated.

    Clean Contaminated Areas

    • Dry-clean linens or wash them in hot water. Wash hard surfaces, such as metal furniture, hardwood floors or linoleum, with hot water and detergent. Rinse surfaces with a solution of one tablespoon bleach and one gallon of water. Let the surface air dry. Use the bleach solution to disinfect mops and brooms after use.


    • Open windows to ensure ventilation and prevent mold growth. Do not touch your face while cleaning up raw sewage. Wash your hands with soap and water after cleaning, especially before eating.

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