Commercial Bathroom Regulations for Iowa Businesses
Proper Proportions
The proportion of bathroom facilities to occupants varies from place to place. For example, theaters and other performing arts commercial buildings must have one toilet per 125 male patrons and one per 65 female patrons. The bathroom sink requirements equate to one per 200 patrons. Restaurants, food courts and banquets must have one toilet per 75 and one sink per 200. Passenger terminals need one toilet per 500 people for male or female and one sink per 750 customers. Urinals may account for up to 50 percent of the toilets required for men's washrooms.
Building code regulations do not allow the path leading to toilet facilities to pass through kitchens, closet areas or storage rooms. The public must have direct access from within the building or from the building's access. The property owner must make the facilities available to the public at all times the public has access to the building.
Bathroom facilities located in commercial locations other than a covered mall may have the same facilities for employees and the public. The distance leading to the facilities cannot exceed 500 feet. The rules for commercial bathrooms placed in covered malls allow toilet facilities one story above or below the establishment, but within 300 feet of the designated area. The regulations state the quantity of facilities depends on the total square feet of the space. Some rules require a toilet facility in individual establishments or a main location. To calculate the maximum allowable distance for the location of a centrally located facility -- measured from the main entrance of the store to the bathroom. Measure the maximum travel distance from the store space to the facility.
Accessibility Requirements
Iowa guidelines for commercial bathrooms follow the federal Americans with Disability Act Accessibility Guidelines. Facility bathrooms with six or more toilet stalls must have an accessible stall. At minimum, one stall must have a width of 36 inches. At least one urinal must have an elongated-type design and attach to the wall a maximum of 17 inches from the floor to the rim. The lavatories cannot have a height greater than 34 inches from the bowl surface to the floor. A person confined to a wheelchair must be able to maneuver up to the lavatory; therefore, at least 29 inches of space must exist between the bottom apron and the bath floor.