Proper Bulk Water Storage
Water containers should be food grade. You can reuse large plastic soda bottles or get new plastic bottles from sporting goods stores. Glass bottles are not recommended because they can break, and cardboard containers can leak.
Cleaning Instructions
Wash the bottles with dish soap and rinse thoroughly. Refill them with a solution of plain chlorine beach, 1 teaspoon to a quart of water. Swish the solution around so that it contacts the entire interior of each bottle and then flush it out with clean water.
Fill the bottles with tap water. Add two drops of plain chlorine to a 2-liter size bottle if the water is from a non-chlorinated source. Using the original cap, close the bottle tightly without touching the inside of the cap. Label the bottle with the date; store in a cool, dark area; and replace your stores every six months if you prepared your own water.