How to Donate Plasma & Get Paid in Ohio
Things You'll Need
- Valid photo ID
- Proof of Social Security number
- Proof of address
Find the plasma center nearest to your place of residence in Ohio. There are numerous Web services that will allow you to search for the nearest plasma donation center.
Call the plasma donation center to determine your eligibility to donate plasma. All plasma donation centers have a certain mile radius from which they will accept donors, so check that you're within your local plasma donation center's radius. Ask the center about their compensation rates for plasma donors.
Set up an appointment to donate plasma.
Arrive at the plasma donation center on time for your appointment. Bring with you a photo ID, proof of your Social Security number and proof of your address.
Complete an eligibility interview that includes answering questions about your medical history, age and weight. You will also need to complete a physical examination and blood sample test.
Go through the process of plasma donation. Trained technicians will insert an IV into your arm, and your blood will be drawn into a plasmapheresis machine. You may relax, read or watch television during the process of plasmapheresis.
Receive compensation for your donation. On average, plasma donation centers in Ohio pay between $25 and $30 for the first time donation, and up to $130 for the next four qualifying donations. Check with your local center to determine the amount of compensation you will receive.