How to Donate Plasma in Richmond, VA
Things You'll Need
- Healthy meal
- Transportation
- Photo identification
- Proof of social security number (e.g., social security card or pay stub)
- Proof of address
Locate the plasma donation center nearest you and determine a time when you'll have at least two hours available. One local center is PlasmaCare, located at 117 S. Third St. in Richmond.
Gather your photo identification card, proof of social security number and proof of address to take with you to the donation center.
Eat a balanced, healthy meal (i.e., carbohydrates, protein and vegetables) before heading to the donation center.
Travel to the donation center, sign in and complete the initial screening form.
Complete the in-person screening with a nurse or medical technician. This will include a few questions, blood pressure and pulse measurements, and testing of your blood iron and protein levels.
Undergo the plasmapheresis process, which involves sitting in a chair while a portion of your blood is removed, the plasma is separated and collected, and the blood cells are returned to your body.
Receive a small snack and financial compensation for your efforts.