Bulletproof Vest Alternative Materials

The majority of bulletproof vests you see are made from tightly wound layers of synthetic fiber called Kevlar, according to Tech FAQ. Kevlar is five times stronger than steel, but some alternatives can provide more flexibility and better protection.
  1. Dragon Scales

    • The most well-known alternative to Kevlar are discs of silicon carbide ceramic fashioned together so they end up looking like fish scales, according to Tech FAQ. The U.S. Army does not approve of dragon scales, but the Secret Service uses this type of armor.


    • Highly refined polyethylene, a light, synthesized plastic, is another material often used for body armor. The same company that makes this strong plastic armor--Dyneema--released an even stronger version in 2007 called Dyneema SB61, according to Wired Magazine.


    • The future holds several alternatives to Kevlar. We will probably see synthetic fibers woven together at the nano scale to remove imperfections. Spider silk may also become a viable material. In 2010, scientists discovered the silk of Caerostris darwini to be 10 times stronger than Kevlar.

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