How to Get Rid of Hazardous Waste in St. Louis
Recycling Hazardous Wastes
Search the Earth 911 website, Google maps or the directory of your choice to locate St. Louis locations that commonly accept hazardous wastes. St. Louis businesses include Radio Shack, which accepts old batteries; AutoZone and Jiffy Lube, which accept used motor oil and Home Depot, which accepts light bulbs and car batteries, in addition to other batteries.
Check the St. Louis County government website for the date, time and location of the next hazardous waste collection event. St. Louis County doesn't have a permanent hazardous waste recycling program, but there are seasonal collection events at community colleges, high schools and other locations -- typically on Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. These programs accept paints, stains, varnishes, pesticides, herbicides, poisons, gasoline and other fuels, solvents, strippers, aerosols, motor oil, filters, gas cylinders, fluorescent tubes, batteries, antifreeze, brake and transmission fluid, pool chemicals, car batteries, wood preservatives, sealant and items containing mercury.
Get your hazardous wastes ready to be recycled. Pour or place hazardous wastes into their original containers, if possible, and seal them. Tape down the terminals of your batteries.
Separate your recyclables by categories, such as chemicals, fuels, batteries and lights, and take them to the appropriate store or collection facility.
Donating or Selling Hazardous Wastes
Go to a recycling exchange website, such as Recycler's World, the Global Recycling Network or NarOil. These sites have lists of wanted and available hazardous wastes, including different kinds of batteries, motor oil, antifreeze and other chemicals. Follow the instructions for shipping your hazardous wastes to someone who wants them.
Click on "view listings" or "buy/sell/trade" to view listings for wanted hazardous wastes.
Click "Add a Listing" on each recycling exchange website mentioned above, to advertise the hazardous wastes you have available. Select your hazardous wastes from the drop-down menu, enter your email address and enter your country. Wait for someone to contact you, or contact a posted listing to give your hazardous wastes to someone who needs them.