Bioburden Water Testing
Reasons for Bioburden Water Testing
Bioburden test results determine whether a water supply meets safety standards or whether water purifiers are working efficiently. Further tests are needed to evaluate the kinds of bacteria in the sample.
The most common way to determine the bacterial content of a water sample is to pass it through a filter. The filter is then placed on a nutrient medium such as agar. Sometimes a small amount of the test sample is directly transferred to the nutrient medium. After a set period the medium is analyzed.
The total quantity of microorganisms in a water source can be extrapolated from one or more samples. They determine whether any action or further tests are required.
Where to Get Bioburden Tests
Basic bioburden water testing is not a complicated procedure and commercial water testing laboratories will carry out bioburden tests for a set fee. Science students often do such tests with college equipment as part of their coursework.