Health Risk Assessment Survey Scoring
Health risk assessment surveys provide participants with an evaluation of the current state of their health including any health risks. HRAs are comprised of an extensive questionnaire, a calculated risk score and feedback. Health risk assessments capture information including demographics (age, sex), lifestyle (exercise, tobacco use, alcohol use and diet), personal and family medical history, physiological data (weight, height, cholesterol and blood pressure), and attitudes and willingness to make changes in order to best promote an individual's own health.
The Wellness Councils of America have determined the many outcomes and benefits of conducting health risk assessments. Individuals are able to see an outline of their current health, monitor their health over a period of time and change their lifestyle, according to WELCOA. HRAs provide individuals information on how to make lifestyle changes and how to manage their own health, and provide access to health coaches. HRAs provide insight to an individual's willingness to make changes, help monitor health status, provide information on productivity, evaluate changes in individual's healthy habits, and help to develop a results-driven health promotion program.
While health risk assessment surveys are a widely used tool in the health promotion industry, limitations do exist. Those taking and administering HRAs need to be aware that HRAs do not provide diagnoses and should not replace routine visits with a health care provider. Additionally, no guarantee exists that those who take health risk assessment surveys will act on the information that is provided during the assessment.