Safety in the Weight Room
Slip and Falls
Slipping and falling in the weight room can cause serious injuries. According to the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the most effective way to eliminate slip-and-fall injuries is to maintain clean, dry floors. In weight rooms, exercisers should clean up any spills, such as spilled water, and wipe up any sweat droplets.
Equipment Safety
Because weight lifting equipment is heavy, weightlifters should learn how to operate all machines and pieces of equipment safely. They should also be able to spot faulty equipment.
Designated Spots
According to the Oakland University Recreation Center, weights and equipment should be kept in their designated spots. For instance, Olympic bars should be used for squat rack or bench press exercises only. Weight lifters should not remove equipment from designated areas.
Weight lifters should wear proper footwear. Gyms require customers to wear closed-toe shoes at all times in weight-lifting areas. Open-toe shoes are prohibited because they do not protect the feet from falling or dropped objects.