How Does Jet Fuel Affect Humans?
Jet fuel is mixture of chemicals such as hydrocarbon compounds, kerosene and the highly toxic chemical benzene. Several additives are mixed with jet fuel to increase its efficiency, including icing inhibitors, antioxidants and ignition controllers.
Skin contact with jet fuel creates an automatic reaction. A burning rash or redness appears over any skin touched by the jet fuel.
Immediate inhalation of jet fuel may cause dizziness, fatigue, vomiting and a severe headache. A large inhalation of jet fuel can kill a person.
Long-Term Effects
Workers who spend a lot of time around jet fuel, especially military workers, are at higher than average risk of suffering from dermatitis and fatigue. According to the Agency of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, military personnel frequently exposed to jet fuel have an increased likelihood of immune system compromise.