How to Select, Evaluate & Use Sharps Disposal Containers

Selecting, evaluating and using sharps disposal containers is vital to keeping employees and the public safe from all blood-borne pathogen needle sticks. With so many different types of containers, it's important to know which container best fits each situation. Every employee and head of household who uses or comes in contact with needles needs to know all aspects of using and disposing of sharps containers. OSHA guidelines apply to the disposal of all sharps containers.

Things You'll Need

  • Sharps container
  • Sharps bracket
  • Phillips screwdriver
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    • 1
      A chemotherapy sharps container is yellow.

      Choose a yellow sharps container called a chemotherapy sharps container if chemotherapy needles are involved.

      Choose a red sharps container for all other needle disposal.

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      Choose a stand-alone sharps container unless the area has a large amount of foot traffic. Purchase an inexpensive wall bracket (available for all sharps containers), if needed.

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      Purchase a 2- to 5-quart container for ease of disposal.

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      Move the sharps container around to evaluate its ability to stand upright without tipping over.

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