Is There a Relation Between Microwave Use & Hair Loss?
Radiation Concern
Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to heat food. It's known that this kind of radiation in high doses can cause serious health problems. High levels of microwave radiation can cause burns and other tissue damage, but the levels in a kitchen microwave oven are significantly lower. Furthermore, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the amount of radiation emission allowed by approved devices.
Hair Loss
Concerns about hair loss associated with microwave radiation stem largely from the Robert Becker's book "The Body Electric." Becker's experiments with electromagnetic radiation found that exposure could have adverse effects, including hair loss.
Scientific Conclusions
The studies of Becker and others have shown that microwave radiation can definitely have an impact on human tissue, but there is insufficient research to indicate whether low-level radiation from a kitchen microwave will cause hair loss. Because of lingering questions about microwave radiation, the FDA recommends that precautions are taken, such as not using a microwave with the door open and not standing directly in front of it during operation.