Forms of Teen Violence
Bullying / Cyberbullying
In the traditional context, bullying involves teens lobbing insults, slurs and derogatory comments at one another. Taken to a more violent level is when the insults become threatening in nature and the teen being targeted becomes fearful for his safety. This type of behavior can drive teens away from social engagements, social settings and even school when the bullying moves beyond threats of violence and the violence becomes real. In today's inter-connected world, bullying has moved to being done almost anywhere, at anytime. Cyberbullying is the utilization of cell phones, computers and other smart phones and devices to do the bullying. Threatening and violent messages, videos, images and even audio can be used to torment teens. Though not all bullying or cyberbullying turns physically violent, the implied threats and constant harassment can be devastating to teens in an emotional, then physical, sense when the bullying becomes relentless.
Dating Violence
As teens grow and mature, they eventually find their way in to the world of dating. Teen dating violence is a concern of many parents when their children begin to date. Violence between teens that are dating can range from verbal threats of bodily harm to overt sexually-based attacks that are unwanted and undeserved. This form of violence is similar to, and thus should be treated in the same manner, as domestic violence between adults. Teenagers can inflict emotional, mental and physical harm upon one another during dating over the short-term and long-term course of a relationship. From slapping and hitting to instances of date rape; teen dating violence is an area of concern that needs to be monitored closely when it appears that one of the parties involved in a relationship seems unhappy or exhibits changes in her behavior.
Gang Violence
Gang related violence among teenagers continues to be a problem that plagues both urban and rural areas throughout the United States. Gangs form when existing members of a gang enlist new recruits in to the group. Some recruits are bullied or threatened to join gangs as a way to stave off violence against themselves. Gangs claim different meanings and motivational factors as their mode of operations. Violence rages from one gang to another through the violent inflictions upon members of competing gangs. Gang members partake in unlawful activities ranging from verbal assaults against others to theft to even homicide.