Which RV Chemicals Are Safe for a Septic Tank?
Waste Bins in an RV
Each RV has two or more waste disposal holding tanks, the gray and black water tanks. The gray water tank collects water from the sinks, shower and other water-using appliances like a dishwasher or a washing machine. The black water collects the sewage from the toilet. While it is good to develop toilet manners, quite a few people do not and follow irregular schedules. Moreover, the average person urinates six to seven times a day, using the latter tank. The commercial products referred to contain chemicals which are known to affect the septic systems that receive the black water tank contents. The undesirable consequence of such an action is the contamination of proximal water resources, whether under or above the ground.
How a Septic Tank Works
Septic systems are relatively small localized fecal treatment systems where input waste is treated and allowed to dissipate with time. There are two important segments in a standard septic tank system: a septic tank and a drain field. The waste matter entering the septic tank just flows in and lies dormant. Soon, the liquid part of the waste seeps away, but not before "good" bacteria (aerobic bacteria that needs oxygen to survive) treats it and decimates "bad" (anaerobic bacteria that can survive without oxygen) bacteria. It takes much more time for naturally occurring good bacteria to treat organic matter present in the solid part of the waste, which is gradually pushed into the drain-field, where it finally breaks up under continuous treatment through aerobic bacteria and other chemical and biological means.
Safe Active Ingredients of RV Treatment Material
No additive for waste water treatment is totally safe for either humans or septic tanks. Most are bio-degradable, but that doesn't mean that they are safe. Commercial products are available but each and every one uses chemicals that are hazardous, not so much for the RV owners as for the groundwater around the waste disposal area the RVs use. Chemicals kill bacteria, both good and bad. The recommended technique is to flush fully and ensure that all water goes into the receptacle. The chemical that poses the least threat to environmental health is bromo-nitropropane-diol, a bacterial pesticide. Other chemicals products like Formaldehyde, a probable carcinogen; Glutaraldehyde (embalming fluid), which hurts the eye; Paraformaldehyde, very toxic to humans and Para-dichlorobenzene, a known carcinogen, are best avoided.