How to Shield Against X-Rays
Always wear a lead apron or lead block to protect the areas of the testicles or ovaries. Doctors or dentists routlinely provide these shields, and you should request them if they fail to do so.
Tell your doctor or health-care professional if you are pregnant or suspect you might be. Either the X-ray will be postponed or your uterus area can be protected with a lead block as in Step 1 above. While X-rays are not especially dangerous to a full-grown adult, they can harm a developing baby.
Ask your dentist if she can use any X-rays of yours that had been taken previously. If so, this may mean it would not be necessary to retake them.
Ask whether your X-ray can be taken with newer, faster media such as E or F speed films. Conventional X-ray film is D speed, which is slower, and requires you to be exposed to more radiation.