Beneficial Effects of GMO to Society
Agricultural Productivity
GMO crops provide better resistance to stress factors such as pests, inadequate water and frost. Genetically modified crops also increase the nutritive value of food crops, making them a healthier diet for various communities across the world. In addition, genetically modified crops produce more harvest than ordinary crops. In animal farming, better production is registered in cows which yield more milk than those whose genes have not been altered. In poultry farming, chicken that are reared for meat are known to mature in less time than those whose genes have not been altered.
Lower Food Prices
Genetically modified crops play a big role in stabilizing food prices and sometimes bringing them down. This is because GMO crops produce more yields since they have better genetic makeup and are pest and stress resistant. When many farmers use this technology, it means there will be more food in the market and the forces of supply and demand will make the prices come down.
Food Safety
Unlike traditional food crops, GMO crops have to undergo rigorous tests to ensure they are safe for human consumption. This strict measure is as a result of doubts being expressed as to whether GMOs have a negative effect on humans. Because of these tests, the world population is assured of having food that is fit for human consumption.
Human Health
Biotechnology is used for medical purposes. This involves the making of vaccines that are used to shield human beings from being infected by various diseases. Molecular biology has also been in use to make medicine and vaccines for animals and plants. GMO technology is applied to plants and medicine through modification of plant genes to make them develop qualities that are of medicinal value. Such plants are used to make vaccines and other pharmaceutical products in a process called "pharming."