Safe Disposal of Syringes
Things You'll Need
- Bleach container
- Electrical tape
- Black marker
- Sharps container
Collect all used syringes in a puncture-resistant household container, such as a bleach container. Wrap the container lid with electrical tape and write "Not for Recycling" on the container, using a black marker. Do not over fill the container.
Take the container to a local drop-off or collection site, as you are encouraged to do by the Environmental Protection Agency. These sites may include a local fire station, doctor's office, hospital, health department or pharmacy. Contact your physician or pharmacist to learn of any limits on the amount of syringes you can drop off at once. The collected syringes will be picked up and appropriately disposed of.
Participate in a mail-back program. In this program, you place used syringes in a special container and mail this container through the U.S. Postal Service to a collection site, where it will be destroyed. This program is available for both individuals and syringe collection sites. Programs will often provide you with proof, such as a manifest, that proper disposal was provided for the syringes. Locate a mail-back program by contacting your physician or local public health department.
Participate in a syringe exchange program, which allows you to exchange used syringes for new ones. To get further information on syringe exchange programs or find a program in your state, contact the North American Syringe Exchange Network.
North American Syringe Exchange Network
535 Dock St.
Tacoma, Washington 98402
253-272-8415 (fax)
Dispose of used syringes in special "sharps" containers, which are used much like a home recycling container. Call your local or regional household hazardous waste agency to learn if they collect syringes at their facility. Call your local solid waste department to learn of any household hazardous waste collections.