Public Health Data Standards
PHDS are agreed upon and managed by the Public Health Data Standards Consortium (PHDSC), a non-profit organization that promotes standardization of information on health care. It was established in 1999 by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and it consists of a partnership of federal, state and local agencies, national professional associations and international members, and public and private health care providers and individuals.
Data Standards
Relevant standards for public health can be grouped into vocabulary, messaging and organizations. Vocabulary refers to the standard codes to be observed by all health care providers involved in the system; messaging ensures the interoperability among public health systems and their collaboration with external systems and networks; Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) are members of federal and state government agencies, high education staff and private members.
Data standards contribute to the improvement of the public health system and practice. The data exchange is used to complete health profiles of individuals and communities. It facilitates communication among health care providers and develops comprehensive community assessments.