How to Protect Yourself From a Virus
Get vaccinated for viruses that are the most common, like the flu, and the ones that concern you the most. Vaccinations can be obtained through health professionals and some drug stores. The flu vaccine lasts for a year, whereas other types may last for five years, with booster shots being required after that.
Boost your own immunity by getting at least seven hours of sleep every night. Being tired and run-down weakens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to illness. Develop good sleep habits by not eating late, limiting alcohol and going to bed and getting up at the same time everyday.
Wash your hands frequently to avoid viruses. When washing your hands, do so vigorously for 15 seconds with soap and water. If a sink is not available then use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
Drink lots of water and juice to avoid dehydration. Dehydration weakens the immune system making you more vulnerable to viruses. Consider vitamin enhanced water when feeling sluggish or fatigued.
Avoid risky behavior that may predispose you to viruses. Do not share a drinking glass or utensils with others, avoid touching your eyes and nose and try to stay away from crowds at the peak of flu season. Paying close attention to your surroundings and situations can help you lower your risk of becoming ill.