How to Report Abuse in Convalescent Homes
Educate yourself about the warning signs. The most common include unexplainable physical injury, emotional withdrawal, changes in levels of alertness, strange behavior and withdrawal from normal activities. Signs of neglect may include bedsores, a lack of attention to medical needs, poor hygiene and weight loss.
Gather relevant information. You should have basic information readily available when making a report, such as the patient's name and the address of the facility. Be prepared to describe why you are concerned and provide specific examples, including times and dates of incidents if possible. Detail warning signs you've seen, any medical problems the patient has and what kind of family or other support she may have.
Report the abuse to elder protective services. Go to to find the agency in your area or call 1-800-677-1116. You will be able to talk to an adult protective services worker who will investigate the report. Adult protective services can offer mental health counseling, legal assistance and case management. They can also arrange for emergency medical assistance and housing if needed.