Can You Donate Plasma in NYC If You've Taken Ecstasy Within the Last 2 Months?
Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is an illegal, scheduled drug in the United States with no accepted medical use. It is a potent psychoactive substance often used as a party drug. The compound is orally active and comes in the form of a pill. In other words, ecstasy is taken via mouth and, unlike many other illegal drugs, not injected intravenously.
Applicable Regulations
Donation guidelines in New York state that you are not allowed to donate blood or plasma if you have used illegal intravenous drugs, even if only once in your lifetime. No mention is made of oral illegal drugs in the guidelines, nor is ecstasy or MDMA mentioned specifically. Therefore, recent ecstasy use will not disqualify you from donating plasma in New York.
You should keep in mind that the plasma you donate will probably be given to an individual whose health and immune system is compromised so fully disclose your medical history as well as past drug use. Read the forms carefully and answer the questions honestly in order not to compromise a patient's health.