Virex TB Substitutes
Common Household Cleaners
Hospitals, nursing homes and athletic facilities spend more than $1 billion annually on disinfectant cleaners and sanitizers, but only cleaners that meet OSHA's standards for killing blood borne pathogens kill the H1N1 swine flu or avian bird flu viruses. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) with National Institutes of Health in the United States are the World Health Organization’s center for occupational health and safety. The CDC, which provides information for laboratory safety internationally, recommends Clorox bleach, Clorox 409-R and Lysol citrus antibacterial kitchen cleaner, disinfectant spray, foaming disinfectant basin, tub and tile cleaner and disinfectant direct multipurpose cleaner in specific concentrations listed by the EPA in its list of Registered Products Effective Against MRSA and VRE.
Industrial Antimicrobial Products
Reckitt Benckiser, Inc., Lonza, Mason Chemical Company and Clorox manufacture industrial-strength antimicrobial disinfectant solutions in various concentrations. Mason Chemical Company offers disinfectant detergents, sanitizers, swimming pool algaecides and mold and mildew fungicides. Mason Chemical strives to offer economical bacteria control. Mason Chemical foams boost acidic effects and change the viscosity of the disinfectant.
Sterilization is necessary to control infections. Bacterial spores are the most difficult microorganisms to destroy. In an autoclave, high temperature with pressurized steam sterilizes surgical instruments, but sporicides may be used to sterilize surgical instruments and equipment. Sporicides destroy all forms of fungi, viruses, bacteria and their spores.
Low temperature ethylene oxide gas and liquid sporicides may be used to sterilize medical and surgical instruments and equipment. Sporicidin® disinfectant solution and spray is registered with the EPA and OSHA for use in hospitals against blood borne pathogens, swine flu and avian flu and tuberculosis. Sporicidin kills mold, mildew, bacteria and even stachybotrys chartarum, black mold. Sporicidin is not corrosive or abrasive on any surfaces and contains no harsh chemicals. It does not stain and is not flammable.