FAQ About Sauna Rooms
How Hot?
Preheat the sauna to your desire temperature. If you use the sauna regularly, set it between 170 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are not used to the heat, it's best to start at a lower temperature, such as 160 degrees Fahrenheit, and adjust to the heat.
Dry or Steam?
Finnish saunas traditionally are dry or wet. According to the North American Sauna Society, "it is the only bath in the world where the user controls both temperature and humidity." For a wet sauna, sprinkle or use a ladle to pour water over the rocks. If you are in an infrared sauna, with the heat created by infrared emitters, you can only take a dry sauna.
Is It Safe?
Ask your doctor before using a sauna, especially if you have a medical disorder or condition. Be sure to wait an hour or more after eating before getting into the sauna. The maximum amount of time you should stay in a sauna is 30 minutes. Drinking water and having a light snack after taking a sauna will help to rehydrate your system and replenish nutrients.