Toxicity of Pediatric Flecainide
Serious Side Effects
Side effects with flecainide include dizziness, change in vision, and stomach pain. A physician should be immediately notified if a child displays uncontrollable shaking, chest pain, shortness of breath, extreme tiredness, swelling, or loss of appetite. Toxicity of flecainide is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention.
Drug Interactions
Flecainide can cause serious drug interactions if taken with other medications. Medications to avoid taking while on flecainide include certain antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, macrolides, and antivirals including saquinavir and ritonavir. It is important to consult a physician about medications that should not be taken while on flecainide in order to minimize side effects.
Physicians should administer dosage of flecainide based upon the child's age in order to avoid toxicity. Flecainide is used for treatment of ventricular arrhythmia and paroxysmal super-ventricular tachycardia. The dosage for these arrhythmia differ in age groups of children and should be monitored by a doctor in order to avoid complications.