Disposal of Used Syringes
Medical Waste Rules
Contact your local Department of Public Health or Sanitation Department to learn what syringe disposal methods have been approved for your area. Some places have strict regulations for the disposal of medical waste. Maryland, for example, requires that syringes be wrapped in paper and sealed in a hard plastic bottle before being placed in the trash. Other states, such as Arkansas, have no formal requirements.
Place in Plastic Bottle
Place used recapped syringes into a #1 plastic bottle that has been clearly labeled "Do Not Recycle." Do not completely fill the container. If your local ordinances allow it, place the securely sealed bottle into your garbage.
Sharps Destruction Device
Some sharps destruction devices use heat to melt the needle into a small ball, which can be safely disposed of in your household trash. Others clip the needle off and store it in a puncture-proof container for later disposal.
Disposal Centers
The Coalition for Safe Community Needle Disposal provides more information about locating centers to drop off used syringes. Its website, safeneedledisposal.org, has a search feature that locates your nearest disposal center.
Exchange Programs
The North American Syringe Exchange Network allows you to exchange used syringes for new ones. Nasen.org provides more information.