Hoosier Healthwise Guidelines for a Newborn
How to Enroll
Enrollment centers are located at hospitals and community medical centers where Indiana residents can pick up an application or complete it on-site. Other enrollment locations can be found by calling the Hoosier Healthwise Helpline, toll free 800-889-9949.
How to Get Care for Your Family
Primary Care Physicians (PCP) are an important link in keeping families healthy; Hoosier Healthwise works to ensure that every member has access to a primary care physician. Families must choose a doctor from a pool of participating doctors within 30 days of signing up with Hoosier Healthwise. If they do not, they will be assigned a Primary Care Physician.
The Cost of Hoosier Healthwise
Two packages are available through Hoosier Healthwise. Package A is available at no cost and Package C is available at a premium., which varies, depending on the number of children that are on the plan. For families with one child on the plan, premiums range from $22 to $33 a month (as of October 2010). For two or more children, the premium is $33 to $50 a month.