Does Ammonia Kill Mold?
Ammonia Solutions
When treating surfaces with ammonia, it is important to dilute the solution with a small handful of ingredients that together will help remove mold much faster. Ammonia should be mixed with an equal amount of water, one third of a cup of vinegar and baking soda before it is applied to any surface. It is, however, important to note that this solution may damage wood surfaces.
Bleach Solutions
Many people prefer using bleach as opposed to ammonia when treating mold in their homes. Any brand of bleach may be used, but much like ammonia, it must be diluted before applying it to a surface. It is possible to combine store-bought bleach with natural soap or detergent made of vegetable oil, vinegar and water, before mixing.
Dangers of Ammonia
Using ammonia to remove mold can be hazardous, especially when this chemical is mixed with any product that contains even slight traces of bleach. Additionally, ammonia is not effective when treating mold on any porous surface, particularly on wood. It is best to limit the use of ammonia to bathroom tiles, concrete or cement.