The Advantages of Positive Thinking
From ancient Greek philosophers to modern-day scientists and subject-matter-experts, positive thinking is touted as paramount to successfully attaining goals, objectives and desires. Most agree that positive thinking is paramount to a successful pursuit of happiness.
Positive thinking can lead to positive living, according to many experts. If one continually thinks positive thoughts, they can learn to find 'happiness' in some of the simpler, more attainable things, that others might not (those who do not understand and practice positive thinking). Aristotle (384 to 322 BC) taught that "Happiness depends on ourselves." In that, he alludes to some of these potential benefits that positive thinking can bring about.
Some of Saint Paul's biblical letters taught of the power of faith and positive thinking toward knowing contentment. Contentment is connected with positive thinking. Without his religious faith and related positive thinking, Paul of Tarsus (Saint Paul: 5 to 67 AD) very likely would not have felt as he did in some of the circumstances he was found in. He taught that contentment comes from within, when he said, "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Courage, Confidence and Success
Norman Vincent Peale (1898 to 1993) taught how positive thinking can help with courage, confidence, and general success in life. Peale, who was called by some the "champion of positive thinking", authored such titles as "Become What You Want To Be" and "You Can Overcome Any Problem."
Inner Strength and Trust
Positive thinking can help build one's inner strength and trust concepts, such as developing faith and belief in forces and powers of the Universe as the benevolent giver of all who ask. Rhonda Byrne's, creator of "The Secret," discusses life-changing events and revelations that motivated her to commit to telling the world about her own experiences and understandings. Byrne's byline, "You are meant to have an amazing life!," represents the notion that positive thinking and firm beliefs can produce amazing results.