How to Apply for HUD as a Homeless Person
Things You'll Need
- Personal identification
Connecting with Services
Find your local HUD office. If you have access to the Internet, see the directory of local HUD offices online. Refer to the "Resources" section for the Local Office Directory. Or call 202-708-1112.
Apply for homeless assistance by filling out an application at your local HUD office. HUD will match you with a homeless assistance program. Some of the programs available include the Shelter Plus Care Program, which "provides rental assistance for hard-to-serve homeless persons with disabilities;" The Single Room Occupancy Program; and the Supportive Housing Program, which encourages the homeless "to live as independently as possible" through local community care resources.
Provide the necessary documents that HUD requires, such as a state-issued identification card, driver's license or a social security card. If you do not have identification, go to your local social security office and apply for a duplicate card, or go to your local Department of Motor Vehicles office and get an identification card.